Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blogging away

Hello all! I hope to be able to provide some witty, positive, and insightful...uhm...insights into the world of sports and other things that entertain me.  I'm single and live alone with my dog, so I need some sort of outlet to get my thoughts out of my head before I take an AK-47 to the top of the nearest tall building.  I think I have a common sense approach to the world and do not at all like the narcissism that prevails (especially online).  I think that we are all here to help each other, and that's a major reason why I'm starting up this blog.  Do you want good news? Do you want to laugh? Do you want something to make you think? I hope to provide content to do that here.  Please feel free to comment on whatever I might write, but please do it in a manner befitting this blog.  Thanks!

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