Friday, November 25, 2011

Go To Ohio State Where, If You're A Football Player, You'll Pass Even If You Put In Minimal Effort

I actually couldn't believe this Ohio State recruit said it.  Adolphus Washington, a five-star defensive end, committed to Ohio State University this week.

Among the school's stellar football reputation, and revered tradition in Columbus, Washington mentioned academics as a reason why he chose Ohio State.

In May of 2011, Ohio State received high marks for its academics in the sports programs.  The NCAA's annual report, the Academic Progress Rate, for 2009-2010 showed that the football program at Ohio State ranked in the 90th-100th percentile as comapred to other football programs in its division.  The APR, among other things, measures graduation rates in each sport, and can dock each sport scholarships if the academic standards fall below certain measures.

So it looks like Ohio State is a great place for football players who also want to do well academically.  However, read exactly what Washington said:
“I know all these schools athletically can offer me the same thing. The academic support at Ohio State, there is no way you can fail. Even if you’re giving minimal effort there is no way you can fail.”
Seems rather curious that he phrased his comments that way.  Considering the recent scandals involving players selling memorabilia for tattoos, it would not surprise me in any way that the football program also "helps" its football student-athletes as much as they can.  I'm sure it happens at most schools, too, but usually the recruits don't inform the rest of the world.

Imagine if Washington had said, "Yea, and they've got this great deal where you can sell your game jerseys for money and tattoos!"

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