Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mad Cow Disease!!!

I've heard from farmers around the world lately that their cows have been acting out aggressively in recent months.  Some say it's related to global warming and certain vegetarians trying to pin down their fragrant emissions as a major cause for the rise in greenhouse gases.  However, I'm being told that the bovines are now most angry about the recent accusations that they've been purposefully taking Clenbuterol in an effort to get various professional athletes banned from their sport. On one side, you have the cows who have been claiming for  years that various radical vegetarian groups are attempting to soil their good names.  On the other side, you have the athletes themselves who are blaming the genius mastermind cows behind the clever "Eat Mor Chikin" Chick Fil-A ad campaign.

First it was Alberto Contador who, after his dramatic win in the 2010 Tour de France, was found to have tested positive for Clenbuterol.  However, he was able to successfully prove that the eating of tainted beef was what caused his positive test.  Now, it's five members of the Mexican National Soccer Team who have tested positive for the same banned substance. If the soccer players get their bans reversed, it won't be in time to help their team in the Gold Cup.

A lesson to all...Eat More Chicken.

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